Tuesday, September 25, 2007

we elect these people for this????????????

In the "you're kidding, right?" category. By the way this was on the FRONT page of the newspaper.

The city council voted to allow miniature goats to be kept as pets. Due to the tireless efforts of the "Goat Justice League (who can make this up?), their attributes as human companion, milk maker and "weed whacker" justified the unanimous vote. The councilman who sponsored this vital legislation was quoted " one small step for man, one giant leap for goatkind."

Here's the deal: A local resident and "outlaw" goat owner, president of the Goat Justice League (still cannot get over this), a distinguished group of 100 members sought this change in the old law after her neighbor alerted the city and complained. During a hearing, testimony was presented by "animal lovers, advocates of urban sustainability and children". (you know I can see animal lovers, but children???? And I'm not even going to go there on those advocates. Advocates of WHAT exactly?)

Well after, I'm sure, much debate, thought and deliberation, this was approved as long as the goats are licensed and dehorned. (Who wants a horny, old goat running around? Couldn't pass that one up!) IN ADDITION, male goats have to be neutered (good idea for the continuation of the species) as they give off a rather musky scent which some find offensive (hurray for the anti-musky goat smellin league). They also have to be kept on a leash to protect park vegetation and sidewalk gardens, but they can be lent to others for grazing purposes.

It's good to know that our elected officials are SO busy with these weighty matters. Holding hearings and what-not. Don't want to waste valuable time and effort with more mundane topics as EDUCATION, INFRASTRUCTURE and such.

But not to be outdone, another councilman wanted to grab the spotlight as he proclaimed "Why stop there? Why not sheep, llamas...? I think there is an argument that there are greater heights to be achieved with urban sustainability."

Now these guys are showing serious political potential! They should definitely try for a more national position! But then again, why replace the fine ones' we have now?

Have a nice day!


The Martin Family said...

Now we know at least 100 people who would answer "yes" to Parker's "Do you like goats?" question!

The Rays said...

too funny!! there are some goats down the road that parker loves to drive by! maybe you should consider a goat instead of a bulldog...