Friday, September 21, 2007

idiocy rum amok

What about this? 3 in 3 days. Must be something in the wind. Normally I don't get too pissed off on a Friday as generally think it's poor form but this caught my eye (and ire).

There was an article in the Washington Post regarding TSA (you know those folks at airport security check-ins) taking a closer look at travelers' mannerisms. It seems that they have been using a sneaky, dastardly approach to screening. That is studying facial expressions and behavior. Oh the horror!

The TSA intends to have about 1,000 screeners (why not all of em?) trained in this technique by year's end. This involves the art of observing slight facial movements (among others) to indicate that a person is lying. Maybe a good way to spot some criminal behavior?

Since Jan 06 (that's about 21 months for those somewhat challenged), they have referred 40,000 for extra screening. Of that amount nearly 300 have been arrested for such crimes as carrying concealed weapons, drug trafficking and illegal immigration. (Don't say how many potential terrorists, don't care.)

Well wouldn't you just know that this practice has gotten the civil libertarians and some politicians all in a lather. Privacy rights, racial and ethnic profiling are at stake here. Now hearings in Congress are going to be held. (Doesn't that make you sleep better at night?)

A comment to those blithering idiots all worked up: GET A GRIP! (That's a bit on the subdued side as my Mother may read this, and I don't want her to think her baby boy is capable of such language.)

I got it. Maybe the TSA should pass out a questionnaire asking if you are a lying, no-good terrorist (gun-totin crook, crack head or any other moron); and if so, please check the appropriate box. Don't pay any attention that I'm sweating through my clothes, have a nervous tick and after staring at any security personnel, quickly look away after noticed. Hey, I'm just going to visit my dear, old, sick great-grandmother (aunt, uncle, dog, hamster, whatever).

Just as long as you don't offend anybody! What difference does it make if the plane goes down anyway? Just a few people killed, no big deal. But heaven, forbid offend anybody!

As an aside, testing is going on to see through clothing with Superman-like vision. Ain't that something. I pity the poor rascal who looks at my image.

And with that, have a good weekend! Maybe enjoy a brown liquor drink!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it have been more newsworthy if we found out they were **not** doing this?